Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ultrasound at 12 weeks

Today we had an ultrasound. The baby was moving around quite a bit. It was kind of strange to be seeing something inside me flipping around and not being able to feel it.

We heard a nice strong heart beat, saw two legs, two arms and a round little belly! We could also see some facial features. Every time the technician tried to measure something the baby would move or flip around. At one point the baby had his/her hand resting on it's forehead - like it had enough for one day. It was quite comical.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Little Cheerio at 5 1/2 weeks

This was done at 5 1/2 weeks. We thought it looked like a little cheerio. The small round circle that looks like it's on the outside of the cheerio is the heart. :)

I could actually see it pumping - crazy.

Getting used to the idea

We waited to tell everyone except immediate family that we are pregnant until we heard a heart beat. I heard it at 5 1/2 weeks but they said it wasn't as fast as they'd like it to be so I had to go in for another ultrasound at 6 1/2 weeks to make sure it was in the normal range. At 6 1/2 weeks the heartbeat was at 128 beats per minute where at week 5 1/2 it was only 93 beats per minute. They like it to be above 120 - they said the heart had probably just started to beat and that was why it was slower at first.

Jordan hasn't been able to go with me to any of the ultrasounds that I've had so far. We are scheduled for one next week and he is coming with me so he'll get to see Baby Duggan for the first time live!!

So far I have not had any morning sickness. The only difference is that I wake up hungry - normally I wouldn't get hungry until around 10-11.

I will start to feel sick if I ignore being hungry - but as long as I eat a little something as soon as I feel hungry I am fine. I have noticed that I get tired easily - but really only if I've been running around all day and not taking some time to rest. The great thing about real estate is that if I need to sit or lay down for 10 minutes I can.

Jordan has started to get used to the idea that I'm not drinking anymore. :) He would go to get himself a beer or pour himself a glass of wine and ask me if I wanted one. About 3 seconds after he'd ask he would look at me, smile and say "Oh, oops, sorry you can't have one can you" At first I thought he was just teasing me but after he did it a few times I think he's just used to offering me whatever he's getting for himself.

I'll try to put up the pictures we have so far this weekend!

Monday, May 21, 2007

2 months ago.....

I thought some of you might like a little background information.

About two months ago I was feeling kind of weird. All home pregnancy tests were coming up negative. We were getting ready to go to Hamilton & Milly's wedding for the weekend an I wanted to be sure before we left.

I went to get a blood test on Wednesday. Results came back on Thursday - negative, you are not pregnant. Alright then, make me an appointment on Monday please b/c something certainly is going on!!

We go to our friends wedding and come back Sunday. Monday morning Jordan is in the bathroom getting ready for work. My appointment is at 9:30 and I thought, I'm going to take a pregnancy test just for the hell of it. I have quite a large stock of them so why not? So I'm sitting at my desk drinking my coffee and checking my email. I look over at the test (it's the kind that says "not pregnant" "pregnant" and see a big fat "Pregnant" staring back at me. I think I stopped breathing and I am sure my mouth was open.

Jordan leaves for work and I say nothing. I wanted to wait to confirm with the dr.

So I go in and tell them, by the way, I got a positive pregnancy test this morning. That pretty much changes the appointment.

They get a positive pregnancy test and give me a blood test and send me on my way. There are two types of blood tests: 1 that gives a yes or no and the other that gives a number of hcg level in the bloodstream. Anything over 25 hcg is considered pregnant - my levels were at 44.

So, Jordan comes home from work. We eat dinner. He still doesn't know. :) We are watching t.v. and I hit pause and say I'll be right back. I bring down a wrapped package and told him I got him a present that day. He thinks it's a tie. :)

I bought a bib that says I love my daddy on it and put a positive pregnancy test underneath it in the box.

I wish I would have video taped him opening the box and his reaction once he realized what it meant. I did take a few pictures after. I'm not sure they do it justice.

Friday, May 18, 2007

We are having a baby!!

Hi everyone!

Most of you by now have heard that Jordan an I are having our first baby. We of course are extremely excited as we assume you all are too! :)

With a large portion of our families & friends living outside of North Carolina we thought that having a blog might make people feel like they are in the loop on what's going on with little baby Duggan.

I did get a little sigh from Jordan when I pitched the idea to him last night - but I think that was because he thought that meant more work for him! But I found this site and so far it looks like I can do most of this myself! Although I am sure Jordan will want to add his two cents as well.

I hope you enjoy our blog!!

More to come soon!