I thought some of you might like a little background information.
About two months ago I was feeling kind of weird. All home pregnancy tests were coming up negative. We were getting ready to go to Hamilton & Milly's wedding for the weekend an I wanted to be sure before we left.
I went to get a blood test on Wednesday. Results came back on Thursday - negative, you are not pregnant. Alright then, make me an appointment on Monday please b/c something certainly is going on!!
We go to our friends wedding and come back Sunday. Monday morning Jordan is in the bathroom getting ready for work. My appointment is at 9:30 and I thought, I'm going to take a pregnancy test just for the hell of it. I have quite a large stock of them so why not? So I'm sitting at my desk drinking my coffee and checking my email. I look over at the test (it's the kind that says "not pregnant" "pregnant" and see a big fat "Pregnant" staring back at me. I think I stopped breathing and I am sure my mouth was open.
Jordan leaves for work and I say nothing. I wanted to wait to confirm with the dr.
So I go in and tell them, by the way, I got a positive pregnancy test this morning. That pretty much changes the appointment.
They get a positive pregnancy test and give me a blood test and send me on my way. There are two types of blood tests: 1 that gives a yes or no and the other that gives a number of hcg level in the bloodstream. Anything over 25 hcg is considered pregnant - my levels were at 44.
So, Jordan comes home from work. We eat dinner. He still doesn't know. :) We are watching t.v. and I hit pause and say I'll be right back. I bring down a wrapped package and told him I got him a present that day. He thinks it's a tie. :)
I bought a bib that says I love my daddy on it and put a positive pregnancy test underneath it in the box.
I wish I would have video taped him opening the box and his reaction once he realized what it meant. I did take a few pictures after. I'm not sure they do it justice.