Friday, September 21, 2007

83 days left...but who's counting!?

I have my next doctors appointment next week. I have to drink this orange drink and go in so they can test for gestational diabetes. I think after next week I have to start going in every two weeks instead of once a month. Pregnancy is still going smooth. My mid to lower back on the sides of my spine have been bothering me a bit. I have some yoga & pilates stretches that I try to do everyday and that seems to help.

Almost everyone comments on how small I am for being almost 7 months. I've gained 20 pounds, I can't be that small!! Jordan an I were trying to figure out where the weight has gone. We think it's all in my stomach - which probably explains the backaches!

I finally had to take out my navel ring as it was starting to hurt a bit. It was a sad day for me. I've had that piercing for 10 years!! I guess I can always go get it pierced again but I'm not sure I have the courage that I did when I was 19. Although, after child birth I might think getting a piercing is a piece of cake!!

I broke down and had a cleaning service come in a few weeks ago. There were just certain things that I physically couldn't do and the rest of it I was just too tired to get to. Let me tell you, it was the best thing I have done in 7 months!! We are going to have them come in once a month to do a nice deep clean and I'll take care of it the other weeks. The night before I had Jordan help me pick up so they could clean.

His comment, "Why do we have to clean the house for the cleaners to come?" My comment, "Honey, this isn't cleaning, this is called picking up!"


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