Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We've hit the 4 month mark

This week I am 16 weeks along - and have gained a total of 7 pounds. 2 of those pounds have been in the last week.

I'm still fitting into my regular clothes. No maternity fashion yet. :) Although, I feel like I am wearing the same things all the time. I guess I'll have to break down soon. I have had to buy a maternity bathing suit. Bikini & four months pregnant just don't go well together, at least with my comfort level. It's not a bad bathing suit - tankini that will grow with me throughout the summer. I figure I'll be able to wear it next summer just in case I need it. :)

So I think we've finally finished registering for now. I keep thinking of things that we'll need an adding them. We have friends who have just had a baby on June 7th so it's nice to look at what they have and think, "oh yeah, we need that too!" If you want to see pictures of cute little Nathan click here.

Once we know if it's a boy or a girl we'll add items for the nursery, bedding, etc. If anyone has any suggestion of items that are must have, please let us know!

Have a great week!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Trip to Babies R Us

Jordan an I went to Babies R Us last week to register. I have to say I was quite impressed with Jordan. I thought he'd be uncomfortable and itching to leave. He may have felt that way but he definitely didn't show it. He was pushing around strollers, checking out car seats, shaking cribs & suggesting we look at more items when I was saying I thought we were done. (I so wish I had my camera when he was pushing around the stroller)

We had a good time but it was very overwhelming. There is SOOOO much stuff in there and so many different choices & brands. I've actually been asking a few of my friends who are parents or have recently gone through the process of picking out items how they decided what to go with - and what not to buy. Margaret, Jeremy & Kristine gave me some good tips on items to get and some that just are not necessary. Thank you!!

We find out what the sex of the baby is (as long as the baby cooperates) on July 19th. I think once we know what we are having it will be easier to pick out items we'll need. I've heard from a small portion of people that they feel we shouldn't find out what we are having - we should be surprised.

Jordan an I just don't feel that way. It's not much of a surprise - it's going to be either a girl or a boy - that's it. No other options. I guess I don't find the sex of the baby a surprise. I think what the baby will look like & their personality is more of a surprise than if it's a boy or a girl. So for everyone who didn't want us to find out - sorry! You were able to make your choice of what you wanted to do when you were pregnant - now it's our turn!

On a side note, Jordan an I went to a 80's party last weekend. Jordan went as magnum pi. Not sure you can see in the picture but I actually found hot pink jelly shoes. Thought you might enjoy some of the pictures. If you want to see more click here.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

14 weeks

Things have been going pretty smoothly. I haven't had any morning sickness and I'm in my second trimester now so hopefully that means I won't get it at all.

I get hungry more frequently throughout the day but don't seem to eat a whole lot at one sitting.

I've had a few cravings and aversions to food. I seem to want cold & refreshing food. Ice cream, fruit, vegetables, cereal, cheese & of course pickles. I think we go through a jar of pickles in a week. ;)

Foods that are in dark heavy sauces - I can't eat. For some reason just thinking about eating it makes me want to gag. Not sure what that's all about - but I just try to avoid it! I've also lost my taste for coffee. I was allowing myself my morning cup - but around week 6 I would have one sip and it just didn't taste good to me. So I haven't had coffee in 2 months! Hope my taste for it comes back after the baby is born!

My sense of smell is definitely stronger. The smell of food does not bother me - but the trash and the cat boxes are horrible! I can smell the cat boxes from downstairs and in our bedroom. (we have them in the upstairs guest bath, right at the top of the stairs) Jordan is the one having to clean them - probably more frequently than he'd like b/c I can't stand the smell!

Hope you all have been enjoying reading the blog!!