Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby #2 is a girl!

We had our 20 week appointment and we are pretty sure baby #2 is a girl!

We took Saryn with us to the ultrasound and she really liked seeing the baby in mommy's tummy. It's nice to be able to tell her now that the baby is a girl and she's going to have a sister soon. Everything with the baby is normal and moving right along. I've been feeling her move since about week 16. She's getting stronger and big enough now to kick me hard enough to feel & see from the outside. Hopefully Saryn will get to feel her little sister kick very soon!

I've started working on names for our newest little one but the two I came up with Jordan shot down. I really liked one of them - had the two middle names picked out and everything! I'll keep that one in my back pocket just in case. ;)

I've decided that the mind of a pregnant woman is very interesting. I've begun "nesting" and really all nesting is (at least for me) once I get an idea in my head I have to do it or I can't stop thinking about it. Once I get the idea finished I feel this sort of relief. But then usually within minutes there is another idea that I need to fixate on and the process starts all over again. Not sure if that's how it is for everyone - but that's what it's like for me!

One of my projects I want to start this week is to clean out our bedroom to make room for the cradle and some of the baby items we'll need again. We were planning on moving to a bigger house but that needs to be put on hold for a while until Jordan's new job gets sorted out. Right now we have our bed, 3 dressers, a desk, two filing cabinets & two rocking chairs - in our bedroom!!! Absolutely ridiculous! The desk and filing cabinets are going - to the trash for all I care! We have a very large bedroom and I think getting rid of those three things will free up a lot of space and make our room much more comfortable!

A little more info:

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain: 14 pounds - yikes! ;)
Maternity clothes? Yes, but I can still wear some of my regular clothes too
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Normal, with an occassional nap during the day
Best moment this week: Saryn talking to the baby and tickling my tummy to tickle the baby.
Movement: Yup
Food cravings: Still no!
Gender: Girl!
Name: Won't tell what it is even if we have one! ;)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Clear skin!
Weekly Wisdom: Be around happy/positive people!
Milestones: Found out we are having a girl!


Ian said...

I think you should solicit the family for names this time. That, or let's have a twitter contest!

Stefanie said...

Hmmm....okay, as long as I get to decide where you move next. ;)