Saturday, August 11, 2007

NY Baby Shower

I've had my first baby shower. My mom and friend Krystal were so nice to have a shower for me in NY when I wasn't so big it would be uncomfortable to travel. They had it at my parents house in their side yard. They had put up a large white tent with tables and chairs decorated with balloons. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The sun was shining & it wasn't too hot. We did have a little bit of wind which tried to knock over a few umbrellas & peoples plates though. :) We managed just fine.

The men (just a few) cooked hot dogs & hamburgers for us and we had tons of sides & appetizers to go with it. There was a diaper cake, a real cake & baby bottles filled with candy. We received a lot of great items for the baby. If you'd like to see pictures from the shower click here. The 4Runner was quite full on the way back home! All an all a perfect day!

I'm still trying to find a place for everything. Right now most of what we received will have to stay put in our family room b/c the nursery is just not ready yet.

The baby & I are doing just fine. She moves all the time now. Her favorite time seems to be between 7:00 & 10:00 at night. She must be getting bigger b/c we are starting to see my stomach move with some of her more forceful movements. I've gained about 12-14 pounds at this point and I am 22 weeks along. I feel great with no real changes except I now have a belly. :) So far this pregnancy has been a breeze - I hope it continues to be that way!

1 comment:

Fleur said...

What's a diaper cake? Sounds icky! I prefer chocolate, myself!