Saturday, November 24, 2007


This year we stayed here for Thanksgiving. Sort of hard to travel when we are 3 weeks away from our due date. We went to Jordan's aunt & uncle's house (Kay & Herb) for Thanksgiving dinner. Jordan's brother Ian and his girlfriend Daphne were here from CA, as well as Jordan's parents Lynn & Jim, and Jordan's cousin Jessie and her fiance Mike.

We of course took some pictures of everyone & of Jordan and I together. I didn't realize how big I really am until I saw the pictures of myself. I know I've gotten bigger but it's different when you are just seeing yourself in the mirror for a few minutes in the morning. I have to say I almost had the urge to delete those photos. I'm a bit on the puffy side. But I didn't - so you all should be very thankful I am sharing these photos with you. :)

Click here for more Thanksgiving photos.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving and the food was wonderful. They say towards the end of pregnancy women get full after a bite or two of food b/c there just isn't room. Well, that is certainly not the case with me. :) I cleared my plate (which I do not normally do) and of course had dessert. Jordan was very sweet to get me a piece of pumpkin pie, which he knows I love. But we had 5 different types of desserts! So I took my plate and headed into the kitchen. He caught me in line getting a little sample of everything. He looked at my plate and asked me what I was doing. I felt like a little kid with their hand caught in the cookie jar!

I have to say I've had a very nice Thanksgiving holiday. Jordan has been very busy with work over the past few months. He works until about 8:00 at night and usually on the weekends as well. Needless to say we haven't seen that much of each other lately. He did have to work a little bit on Thanksgiving Day but he didn't work at all on Friday nor is he working this weekend. On Friday we had lunch with his family then ran some errands together. We came home and did a few things in the nursery & played with the cats. We took a nap in the afternoon with both cats on the bed napping too, guess we tired them out! We got up around 6:00 and started a fire, had dinner & watched a movie. I had a great day! I know that sounds silly because we didn't do a whole lot, but it was nice just doing things together.

I hope you all have had a great holiday weekend too!


Fleur said...

Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving. We had TG dinner at Bill's sister's house, and went Saturday to the Kennedy Center for two shows; a play by Beckett (Happy Days- which was anything but happy!) and the National Symphony Pops concert of Showboat, which was super. We also got together with some old friends and had dinner and watched the Redskins lose yesterday. We did spend some quality time with the cats, too, very cuddly, indeed. NO shopping though; it's too crazy out there!

Kristine said...

I love picture 7! I can't wait for the baby to get here! I love tiny babies! Hope all is well, and see you Wednesday.

Fleur said...

So now everyone should know there is a real baby now, not just a future baby!
Congratulations! Now we get to find out what the mystery name is!

Love to you both~
Great Aunt Fleur