Monday, July 9, 2007

Boy or Girl?

Jordan an I go next week (July 19th) to find out if we are having a boy or a girl.

Anyone want to take a guess as to which one it is? :)

I have a feeling it's a boy. My only reason for this is b/c I have had no morning sickness at all - and have felt pretty good throughout the pregnancy so far. I've heard and seen friends who had girls who were quite sick during their pregnancy. Of course this could be a complete myth - and I could be 100% wrong. :) But it's fun to guess anyways!

So I haven't had morning sickness - but I have had other pregnancy ailments that of course no one ever had mentioned to me before. For the past two weeks I've had headaches almost everyday - the kind that are already there when you wake up in the morning. Those have been a lot of fun. I haven't had one in a few days so maybe they have run their course.

Everyone keeps asking me if I've felt the baby move yet. Answer is still no. Maybe next week. :)

I've gained 8 pounds so far. Jordan took some pictures of me last night - but I don't find them flattering so I'm not posting them. :) He would only take my picture in a white tank top and black pants. I tried to get him to take some the other day when I had normal clothes on but he wouldn't. I'll try again this week.

I probably won't post again until after we find out what we are having. So you have over a week to make your guess as to what the baby is going to be!


Unknown said...

My guess is a boy!

Fleur said...

Either is fine, as long as you have a baby and not a kitten! Your cats may object otherwise!